Two male colleagues speaking in meeting

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Learn more about UL Standards & Engagement standards

development process and how you can help.

Guided by Diverse Expertise

The development and maintenance of our library of safety standards relies on the input of diverse groups of experts representing a broad range of perspectives and interests, including consumers, manufacturers, AHJs/regulators, supply chain professionals, international delegates and more. 

These technical committee members review proposals for new or revised standards and work together to achieve consensus through balloting in a fair and transparent process accredited in the United States by ANSI, in Canada by the Standards Council of Canada and authorized in Mexico by the Dirección General de Normas.

Diverse group of colleagues sitting around a table in a meeting discussing
A woman wearing glasses writing on whiteboard in an office.


These individuals submit, review and comment on proposals for new standards or revisions to existing standards. Stakeholders do not vote as part of the consensus process. Anyone can participate as a stakeholder; there are no specific qualifications or prerequisites other than registration on our online Collaborative Standards Development System (CSDS).

An Asian man in a gray jacket speaking during meeting. A laptop with graphs and data is visible in the foreground.

Technical Committee (TC) Members

In addition to submitting, reviewing and commenting on proposals, members are permitted to vote during balloting. Technical Committees meet periodically during the development and maintenance of the standard(s) for which they are responsible.