Discussing UL Standards for Fire Extinguishers with Colombian Stakeholders

On June 1, UL Standards & Engagement (ULSE) held a joint webinar on UL standards for fire extinguishers in collaboration with Colombia's Asociación Nacional de Protección Contra Incendios (ANRACI) and the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC). During the session, experts from ULSE, UL Solutions, ANRACI, and ICONTEC discussed issues regarding fire extinguishers in Colombia and reviewed requirements in UL fire extinguisher standards that address these issues.
UL Solutions Principal Engineer Blake Shugarman presented the following UL standards to the group, explaining the ratings for fire extinguishers and their requirements for construction, performance, markings, testing, and instructions
• UL 711, the Standard for the Rating and Fire Testing of Fire Extinguishers
• UL 299, the Standard for Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers
• UL 154, the Standard for Carbon-Dioxide Fire Extinguishers
• UL 626, the Standard for Water Fire Extinguishers
• UL 8, the Standard for Water Based Agent Fire Extinguishers
• UL 2129, the Standard for Halocarbon Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers
ULSE Standards Specialist Nicolette Weeks also presented on these standards, explaining to stakeholders how UL TC 605, the Technical Committee for Portable Extinguishers, and TC S500A, the ULC Standards Committee on Portable Fire Extinguishers, convene international stakeholders to develop and publish standards, and to update and maintain them as the safety science community continues to learn more about fighting various types of fire.
Representatives from both ANRACI and ICONTEC requested a second webinar to further explore the UL standards development and TC application processes. If you would like to find out more about our standards development process, learn how you can get involved.