ULSE and ONNCCE Meet to Strengthen MOU Agreement and Construction Standards in Mexico
During the meeting, both organizations discussed the possibility of adopting several UL fire safety standards, including UL 1479, the Standard for Fire Tests of Penetration Firestops; UL 263, the Standard for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials; and UL 2079, the Standard for Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems. They also discussed the possibility of adopting several standards from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for fire resistance of elements and components in the construction industry.
As a national standardization body for Mexico, ONNCCE is dedicated to the development of standards that contribute to the improvement of products, processes, and systems in the construction industry, including asphalt, concrete and aggregates, structural design, building classification, waterproofing, and fire resistance.
“Through our partnership with ONNCCE, we are able to collaborate with standardization experts who specialize in meeting the needs of Mexico’s construction industry,” said Sonya Bird, vice president of international standards at UL Standards & Engagement. “They know exactly what the industry needs, and together, we are able to develop standards that help to meet those needs as we work toward a safer, more secure, and more sustainable future.”