International Partnerships
March 15, 2021

UL Standards & Engagement Hosts Joint Webinar with L'Instituto Colombiano de Normas Tecnicas y Certificacion

Participants in the UL Standards & Engagement joint virtual webinar with L'Instituto Colombiano de Normas Tecnicas y Certificacion

NORTHBROOK, Ill. March 15, 2021 – UL Standards & Engagement recently hosted a joint virtual webinar with L'Instituto Colombiano de Normas Tecnicas y Certificacion, (ICONTEC) in which both organizations explored opportunities to collaborate on standardization issues that contribute to the needs of Colombia.

Both organizations signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in May 2019, formalizing an agreement to promote mutual communication, increase knowledge of each other’s standards development activities and utilize UL Standards & Engagement's resources to avoid duplication of efforts while working together to strengthen the development of effective safety standards in the region.

The webinar included an overview of both organizations’ standardizations processes. UL Standards & Engagement highlighted its Standards Technical Panel (STP) process and its online Collaborative Standards Development System (CSDS) platform, while also discussing the importance of the MOU program and the steps taken to meet its global safety mission. Attendees from ICONTEC were invited to further take part in the organization's standards development process through STP membership.

Future webinar sessions are being planned to review ICONTEC processes for technical amendments and international standards adoption. Additionally, attendees were polled to determine topics for discussion at future sessions. Topics will include lighting, electric vehicles (EVs), cannabis and any additional needs that may arise. 


L'Instituto Colombiano de Normas Tecnicas y Certificacion (ICONTEC) is a private, non-profit organization, with wide international coverage. It was founded in 1963 to respond to the needs of different economic sectors through services that are specific to the development and competitiveness of organizations, and through the trust that is generated in their products and services. ICONTEC services include standardization in Colombia, education and conformity assessment. As the national standardization organization of Colombia, ICONTEC is an active member of important international and regional standardization organizations, which allows it to participate in the definition and development of international and regional standards and to be at the forefront of information and technology. For more information, visit