Press Release
March 21, 2022
UL Standards and Engagement Publishes 8th Edition of Standard for Underground Fire Service Pipe and Couplings

Standard covers PVC and PVCO pressure pipe and gaskets for use in underground fire protection systems and connections
NORTHBROOK, IL – Mar. 21, 2022 – UL Standards and Engagement is pleased to announce the publication of the Eighth Edition of ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 1285, the Standard for Pipe and Couplings, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), and Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride (PVCO) for Underground Fire Service, a joint Canada-US Standard.
The Standard covers PVC pressure pipe, machined couplings, fabricated fittings, and gaskets, as well as PVCO pressure pipe and gaskets used for underground fire protection systems and connections to such systems. These connections include automatic sprinkler systems, open sprinkler systems, water spray fixed systems, foam systems, private hydrants, monitor nozzles or standpipe systems with reference to water supplies, and hose houses.
PVC pipe and couplings covered by these requirements shall be designated according to the Nominal Size, Pressure Class (PC), and Dimension Ratio (DR), as specified in ANSI/AWWA C900 for use with cast iron outside diameter (CIOD) or steel (IPS) pipe as applicable.
PVCO pipe covered by these requirements shall be designated according to the Nominal Size, PC, Expansion Ratio (ER) and Wall-Thickness-Ratio (WTR), as specified in ANSI/AWWA C909 for use with ductile-iron equivalent OD (DIOD) pipe.
Any standards technical panels (STPs) responsible for end-product standards are encouraged to consider adopting reference to ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 1285 after consideration of appropriate application of these requirements.
Requirements for the installation and use of PVC pressure pipe and couplings for fire protection service are specified in NFPA 24, the Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and their Appurtenances, and NFPA 13, the Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 1285 does not cover fittings that consist of mechanical joint retainer devices even when intended for use with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pressure pipe.
This Standard, along with all non-IEC based UL standards, is available for free Digital View access with the creation of a free account at https://shopulstandards/com. It is also available for purchase.
STP 1285, the panel responsible for ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 1285 is looking for participants in the following interest categories: Commercial/Industrial User, Consumer, Government, International Delegate, Supply Chain, and Testing and Standards. Those interested can apply for STP 969 membership at s.ul.org/MyInfo.
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Underwriters Laboratories is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the UL public safety mission through the discovery and application of scientific knowledge. We conduct rigorous independent research and analyze safety data, convene experts worldwide to address risks, share knowledge through safety education and public outreach initiatives, and develop standards to guide safe commercialization of evolving technologies. We foster communities of safety, from grassroots initiatives for neighborhoods to summits of world leaders. Our organization employs collaborative and scientific approaches with partners and stakeholders to drive innovation and progress toward improving safety, security, and sustainability, ultimately enhancing societal well-being. To learn more, visit UL.org.
Patrick Wilmot
Standards Communications Manager, UL Standards & Engagement