February 18, 2022
SES Standards and Innovation Forum Explores New Avenues for Standardization

Underwriters Laboratories recently sponsored the SES Standards and Innovation Forum, a virtual event organized by SES – the Society for Standards Professionals. The forum was held on Feb. 2-3.
The theme of the event for 2022 was “Rethinking the Standards Development Process in a Connected World.” Speakers included representatives from various sectors, stakeholder groups, and organizations such as Oracle, Boeing, HP, and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). During the presentations and networking discussions, speakers and participants explored the role of industry, standards development organizations (SDOs), and governments in standards and standardization.
“Standardization is as important today as ever – in large part due to innovation." – Phil Piqueira, vice president of Global Standards at Underwriters Laboratories
“Standardization is as important today as ever – in large part due to innovation," said Phil Piqueira, vice president of Global Standards at Underwriters Laboratories in the opening statement to the forum’s keynote session. "Product and system development is both rapid and rapidly evolving, so it’s a very exciting time, but one that brings us all unique challenges as we work to instill safety, security, and sustainability through standardization.”
Speakers also included Laura Lindsay, CSG strategist at Microsoft, who provided the keynote address on rethinking the standards development process in a connected world, and Khaled Masri, program manager at the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), who discussed best practices and policies for standards development within traditional SDOs.
In line with the theme of the forum, Underwriters Laboratories is currently modernizing its approach to all facets of standards development – to provide a best-in-class experience for stakeholders while addressing critical safety and sustainability issues around ever-evolving technologies. Learn more about our Modern Standards Program.